Cleaning egg, meaning and interpretation

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In this article, We see what is cleaned with egg and how to effectively clean egg. The meaning of cleaning with egg depend on the state of your energy, so we shall see what possible interpretation can have each cleaning with egg. Sometimes it is called “cleaning”, which means in Spanish “cleaning”. Keep reading to know more.

Cleaning eggs

My first approach to cleaning with egg and how to use it to eliminate the disease and fever was in 1994 When my son was about six months. It was very bad for his asthma; every two weeks suffered an attack. Along with asthma had high fevers. One morning, before going to the consultation of the doctor she was really worried. I had a fever again and I was very tired. As he sat at the kitchen table, I broke down and began to mourn, I told his godfather he thought he would never recover. I felt that drugs that doctors gave him did not help at all. His godfather sat there and let me mourn and mutter.

eggs evil eye

Remove energies with egg

then he said: Will you let me try? I knew what it meant because my mother always cure us when we were sick child. I asked what kind of treatment could do, and he told me I could use an egg to remove fever and congestion of the lungs of my son. I had never heard of this before, but he hoped it, so I agreed to his first cleaning egg. let me not stay in the room with him as he did, He said he could not see. I was a little nervous about not being able to see what was going on, but I agreed to wait in the kitchen until the end. By the time we were ready to leave to go to the doctor, my son's fever had almost disappeared and panted not as much as when we arrived.

A month passed without my son had another attack. Finally, One day he asked his godfather to teach me to use the egg, when he was not at home and my son started high fever again. The next time my son got sick let me see how to treat. I then explained what to do. Have passed 20 years since and I have used this treatment whenever my children have had fever again. further, I used egg cleaning to remove bad energy from many people who have had curses or evil eye. The egg is very effective to clean personal spaces, body and spirit.

Making an egg cleaning fever

First, Here are the steps to take to eliminate the fever with an egg. We could call this a little ritual. You do not need elaborate tools; all you need is an egg, a glass of clean water, a small wooden cross and a little oil of your choice.

Once you've gathered all, Focus on the job at hand. Looking for a table where you can put your tools. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and a small white candle lights. Make the person you are going to try to sit in a sofa or chair and give instructions to close your eyes and relax. Taking some oil in his fingers, Make the sign of the cross saying the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Then hold the cross in his left hand and right hand egg. Start praying for God to remove the disease and fever. He begins to make small crosses with egg. Never touch the person you are trying. As I said, Start from the top of her head slowly moving forward, nose, mouth, the area of ​​the heart, armpits, stomach, knees and the bottom of the feet. Make three passes over the front of the body while still praying. Then, Ask the person to turn and repeat the same process, except that now concentrate on the back, neck and armpits. Once this is done, take the egg and break it into the glass of water; take a stick, break it in half, Make a small cross and place it in the bowl of egg and water.

Let stand there about thirty minutes, then remove it and place into the roots of a tree or may throw down the toilet. Be sure to take a bath to remove any part of the energy extracted from the egg.

A using the egg is essential through the body and the aura of the person, pointing out specific areas if necessary, and allowing the spongy properties of the egg absorb internal energy. Negativity is transferred from you, to the egg, and egg traps energy.

Think about this when choosing where to buy your eggs… Because even when not used in a cleaning session, eggs can take negative vibrations!

As cleaning is done with eggs

You can also remove negative energy from your body by placing a glass of water with a whole egg under your bed. You have to leave the eggs there for nine nights; in the tenth removes the egg, and then throw it at an intersection. Using egg thus locks and also removes curses that have been overlooked.

How to clean eggs for spiritual cleansing

We talked about how to remove a person Fever; Now I want to talk about the steps I take when someone comes to me to clean it. Whether you're sick or feel that someone is working against you. You can learn a lot from people just listen to them talk. When someone comes to me for help, I listen and let you talk all you need; Doing so open to me to get an idea of ​​the person.

When you clean a person I always make sure to clean your hands and feet. Do not play with egg on your body unless you feel pain somewhere. If so, I make the sign of the cross on pain, while prayer. Then break the egg into a glass of water and see what appears. This is called reading egg.
Reading egg

To analyze the meaning of cleaning with egg, break the egg into a glass of water. Now look inside looking for anomalies, like colors, blood, shapes and textures.

Some basic interpretations:

  • If the water smells bad or you can see the blood, this is a sign of malignant operation.
  • If there are small spots of blood in the water, This is a sign of bad luck and injury caused by a hard work of witchcraft, especially if the water is cloudy.
  • If the water is turbid odorless and blood, It is a sign of soul loss or energy, provided that no blood.
  • If the egg yolk is shaped like a face, this is a sign of an enemy. A thin face indicates a male enemy, a round face indicates a female enemy.
  • If the egg is shaped like an eye, this is a sign of the evil eye.
  • If there are small bubbles in water, is a sign that the negative energy was absorbed by the guardian spirits.
  • If the water is clear, no abnormal forms, odors and blood, is a sign that there is nothing unnatural.

egg with blood

For this, I would add this on my own experience:

If you see a network or web pattern on the egg can, this indicates that something is trapping you, stops you and can hinder your personal or spiritual development.

– The egg must sink directly to the bottom of the glass. and fleet, this is a sign that you need to make another cleaning. This is also true if only part of the fleet of eggs while the rest sinks – Nevertheless, This indicates a smaller problem or developing still be rectified immediately.

Once the interpretation of cleaning with egg, You can discard the egg and water as described above, the toilet or on the floor.

good Brujitas, You have had some experience with clean energy using eggs? Tell me in the comments.

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3 thoughts on “Cleaning egg, meaning and interpretation”

  1. I put the egg under my bed and the next day after work I took it out and not only was the egg cracked ( mind you I was careful when I put the egg in the glass) there was a big bubble in the shape of an egg that grew outside the egg shell like it was cooked.


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