Hello brujitas, in this new post, we speak of the tetragramaton, one of the most powerful amulets there to fight envies, the evil eye, witchcraft, black magic, and all sorts of negativities to which we are exposed sometimes, at work, even family friends.
Also in the day to day we met all kinds of people who may have a negative thought towards us, by the way we dress our hair color, or simply because that person that day did not get up on the right foot, because all that we must protect.
Video Tetragramatón
What is the Tetragrammaton? (tetra gram ton)
The tetragramaton It means the domination of the spirit on the Elements of Nature, may thus become a powerful talisman for us. The shape of the tetragramaton (tetra gram ton) It is a five-pointed star with several letters and symbols around.
- Star represents the human body, head tip up spirit.
- The right tip, right arm represents the air.
- The left end, left arm would be the fire.
- The lower right tip, right leg represents the Water.
- The lower left tip, left leg would be the Earth.
- The number 1, is male deity.
- The number 2, is female divinity.
- The numbers 1,2,3, mean Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, It is the Holy Trinity.
- Chalice represents the Blood of Christ.
- The staff, It is the union between Heaven and Earth, As above, so below.
- The sword of St. Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Celestial Militia Divine Power.
- The circle is the symbol of perfect and infinite Universe.
- The wings, means opening 7 chakras ascend the spine.
- The word tetragramaton, It is sacred to Jews is the name “Jehovah”.
- The Star of David 6 tips 0 Solomon's Seal powerful symbol of Sacred Geometry, developing the third eye and sensory powers.
- Eye of the Spirit and Jupiter is the Holy Father of all Gods.
- The name of Adam and Eve, in Hebrew the founders of humanity.
- The symbol of the Planets, Mercury and Venus, the power of man and woman together.
The Tetragrammaton is the combination of four Hebrew letters to form the ancient Hebrew name of God, YHWH. This name demonstrates the existence and self-reliance of God and is linked to how God described himself to Moses..
Brief History of the tetragramaton
The tetragramaton, also called Pentáculo, Staff, O Star of five points, already it used in the Middle Ages as a magical symbol of great power and used for health and physical and spiritual protection. The tetragramaton It was used in ceremonies White Magic, always placed with the tip up, as a shield against the spirits of the lower astral who had no power over who owned this symbol, or was within him.
Along the history, the Bible has been translated into dozens of languages. As a result, God has acquired various names: God, Apajui , God , Enkai, God, Good , etc. Nevertheless, the Torah , written in hebrew, had a specific name for God.
This name, YHWH, is known as Tetragrammaton.
Tetragrammaton in the Torah and the Bible
Although it is not clear if this name of God was used previously, Most scholars point out that YHWH first appears in the Bible when God manifests himself to Moses at the burning bush ( Exodus 3 ).
In exodus 3:14 , "God told Moses: 'I AM WHO I AM. This is what you will tell the Israelites: “I AM has sent me to you”.
This I AM is understood as YHWH, and could alternatively be translated as something like “Which is” O “The one who gives existence to being”.
"YHWH" is formed from the four Hebrew letters yodh / yud , he / hey , waw / vav y he / hey . It is called Tetragrammaton, which literally means “four letters”, because of this.
Why use the Tetragrammaton, what is it for?
Humans like any other living or inert, we are energy and vibramos at a certain frequency, yes our mood it is positive and we are happy, satisfied with our lives in general and enjoyed every moment with the company we, our magnetic field or our Aura, will be protected, and you can not get anyone or anything to our magnetic field or what is the same thing our living space.
However if we, sadness, excessive worry, are melancholy or depression, our living space is reduced and weakened, naturally in humans there are moments in life for all, and we can not always find in optimal conditions, since we are influenced by external factors, the uncertainty that we live in these times, either work, sentimental or of any kind. As well, This is where we need to be alert and use a protector for us and thus safeguard our living space.
In this case the tetragramaton It is one of the most powerful, enclose it very deep secrets of protection that will help us combat all that negative energy. As we mentioned before, and in the Middle Ages it was used, It is a widespread symbol worldwide and even though there are features of the Christian religion, can lead to other religious camps as bases for protection are all very similar. All those who need protection, You can use this Amulet of power, knowing it you will be protected from any negativity, even the darkest and most sinister shadow, the tetragramaton we could say that is a protector I extend spectrum.
How to use the Tetragrammaton
Like all guards, charms or talismans, we program them to protect us. I'll explain how to do it easily, and I assure you that it is as effective as any other activation.
Once we have bought our tetragramaton, The first is to clean as any stone we acquire, leave it for a whole night stuck in leave it for a whole night stuck in leave it for a whole night stuck in, only salt. Once you have done this to the next day, in a quiet moment, in our small altar, leave it for a whole night stuck in candles leave it for a whole night stuck in.
- we put a música de Feng Shui or music to Angels.
- We breathe deeply three times.
- clothe the sailing with water from a spring sacred (Lourdes water), or water solarized Blue, or Rosewater, these waters have a very high vibration, remember the experiment Masaru Emoto.
- We light one We light one blanca, always under the light and perfectly, with lighter you know, gas of Mother Earth.
- We can put a rod incense a mild scent.
- Clean cotton soaked with this water, our tetragramaton.
- We request you to have faith Divinity, Jesus, Buda, Ancients, Luna, Sol, angels does not matter as when a Being of Light, you know that here we only devote ourselves to White Magic. We ask that through our Talismán we are protected from all darkness or negativity, come of any size at any time or space, so we cover all.
- always thank, and leave the tetragramaton next to the candle until it is consumed. Once at this point you are ready to use. Clean it once a month with salt.
Experiences with the Tetragrammaton
From experience, I can tell you that for many years, I do not need a tetragramaton in my life, I always carry with me, and truly I feel protected negativity. It is not expensive to get one, You can even photocopied one to put on the door of your house.
History of Tetragrammaton use
Although the pronunciation of YHWH have originally been known, after the Babylonian exile in the 6 º rocking aC, the Jews began to use God's name more than YHWH. This is potentially due to two reasons , one is that Elohim was a more universal name as Judaism spread, and the other is that the divine name was increasingly considered too sacred to be pronounced. He was vocally replaced in the synagogues as Adonai.
In the 6 Through 10 th centuries, the Masoretes, who worked to reproduce the original Hebrew text of the Bible, inserted the vowels of Adonai or Elohim YHWH in getting YeHoWeh or YeHoWaH . Nevertheless, “AND” does not exist in does not exist in, so the Latin-speaking Christian scholars replaced the “AND” with “I” O “J” to get ” JeHoWaH “, which became “Jehovah” as it spread through medieval Europe.
Christian scholars continued to refer to the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah until the 19 º and 20 º scholars of the century returned to "Jehovah", a way that dates back to early Christian writers, as the 2 Clement of Alexandria .
You can read: yahveh
The formula of the Tetragrammaton
Yod, The, Vau, The, Ineffable Name (Jehovah) of the Hebrews. The four letters refer respectively to the four “elements”, Fire, Water, Air and Earth, in the order given.
This formula is more universal aspect, since all things are necessarily included therein; but its use in a magical ceremony is little understood.
The height of the formula is in one direction even before the formulation of the Yod. For the Yod is the most divine aspect of the Force, the remaining letters are nothing more than a solidification of the same thing. One must understand that we are here talking about the whole ceremony considered as a unit, not only of that formula in which “Yod” God is invoked, “The” Archangel, and so on. To understand the ceremony under this formula, we must take a broader view of the functions of the four weapons than we have had so far.
The formation of the “Yod” It is the formulation of the first creative force, of that parent is called “I autocriado”, and who is told: “Formulaste fecundaste your Father and your Mother”. The addition of the “The” al “Yod” It is the marriage of the Father with the great Mother I coequal, which it is a reflection of Nuit as He is Hadit. Their union gives birth to son “Vau” It is the heir. Finally occurs daughter “He”. Is both twin sister and daughter “Vau”.
There is another mystery here, much more profound, for initiates.
Its mission is to redeem making his wife; the result is put on the throne of his mother, and it alone, whose youthful embrace can wake the old man of the Father Almighty. In this complex family relationship.
Pronunciation of tetragrammaton
In written form, ancient Hebrew was a consonant-only language with no vowels, what caused the name of God to be written “YHWH”. Because of this, the word itself gives no indication of the actual pronunciation.
This problem is compounded by a Jewish taboo on pronouncing God's name.. Instead, the name HaShem would be used ( literally, “name” ), or names like Adonai (Mr) the Elohim (the Supreme). The origin of the taboo is uncertain, perhaps due to fear of taking his name in vain, but as a result, the pronunciation was lost and neither Jewish nor Christian scholars are sure how it was pronounced, not even how many syllables had.
The pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is most likely Yahweh , what is pronounced “YAH-way” O “YAH-weh”.
You can read: Péndulo Hebrew or Metutelet
Kabbalistic symbolism of tetragrammaton and his meaning
The formula of tetragramaton, as understood normally, It is ending with the appearance of daughter, It is actually a degradation.
It symbolizes the whole course of the Universe. It will be seen that (after all) Climax is the final. Is the second half of the formula that symbolizes the great work that we are committed to make. The first step of this is the achievement of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, which is the Adept of the Inner Order.
The re-entry of these twin spouses into the womb of the mother is the initiation described in Liber 418, which gives access to the Immaculate Order of A. '. A.’. From the last step we can not talk.
It will now be recognized that devising a practical magical ceremony corresponding to the tetragramaton in this exalted sense it might be difficult, if not impossible. In this ceremony, Rituals of purification alone might occupy many incarnations.
It will be necessary, so, return to the simplest view of tetragramaton, remembering only that the “The” end is the Throne of the Spirit, of the breeze Pentagramaton.
¿Tetragramaton es malo??
The Yod will represent a quick and violent creative energy; after this there will be a flow will more quiet, reflective, but even more powerful, the irresistible force of a mighty river. In this mood will be followed by an expansion of consciousness; will penetrate all space, and finally it will pass through a radiant crystallization inner light.
Such modifications of the original will be observed during the invocations when performed correctly.
Dangers of Tetragrammaton
The peculiar hazards of each are obvious: that of the former is a flash in the pan; the second of, a fall in sleep or daydreams; that of the third, loss of concentration.
An error in any of these points will prevent or impair the proper formation of the fourth.
Expression to be used in Chapter XV: “EnflÃmate yourself”, etc., only specified the first stage; but if done right, the other stages will follow as per need. So far it is written on the formula of the tetragramaton.
Good, this post as I said is a bit complex, but I wanted to share with you, If you like to look for more information on these issues as old as the Talmud
Buy the Tetragrammaton
You can see some purely religious references here
You are interested in magical rituals? watch this, Wiccan rituals
Well I hope you liked brujitas. And there is no excuse, all vibrating high, to protect us and to achieve our dreams, They are closer than they appear.
No matter what moon there is to activate it?
I would like to buy an amulet and more
If I make a photocopy how could I clean it with the solarized water? 🙂
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